
About Flight.ie?

Flight.ie is a powerful flight and hotel search engine. Flight.ie finds the best offers available on the Internet from over one hundred web sites. With just one click Flight.ie will find you the best fares available from budget and traditional airlines as well as travel agents. At Flight.ie you only have to do one search to find all the available options for a particular route. Flight.ie finds in seconds what used to take hours to achieve, saving you time and money.


Do you sell tickets?

Flight.ie does not sell tickets. Flight.ie is not a travel agent but a meeting point between those who want to buy and sell flight tickets and hotel rooms. Flight.ie simply organises in one place the prices available from many travel operators and airlines. When you choose an offer you are then redirected to the companies’ web site to make the reservation. There is no commission or charges of any description. Once you have compared the offers and decided on the one that best suits your needs the operator in question will process your reservation and purchase.


How much do I have to pay to use Flight.ie?

Flight.ie is totally free. The prices we show are exactly the same as the companies we search. Any purchase agreement you enter into is with the original vendor and at exactly the same price as shown on their web site. Flight.ie does not add one penny onto the price you see on our site.


How does the “Compare Flights” tool work?

Flight.ie sends your search details to a wide range of travel providers, we then collect the information they return and present it to you in one place. This allows you to compare prices and select the particular deal that best suits your individual travel needs. When you select a flight or hotel we provide you with a direct link to the original operator’s site where you can complete your reservation.


How does the fare-finder” tool work?

Flight.ie’ FareFinder allows you to take advantage of the work already done by thousands of other users. We store hundreds of thousands of fares allowing you to find at a glance the best deals around. If your departure and arrival dates are flexible Flight.ie illustrates in a simple monthly graph the best price found for travel on each day, enabling you to quickly see which are the cheapest days to travel on. Flight.ie then allows you to update the prices found by previous users with one easy click. It is important to note that unlike the Compare Flights tool, the FareFinder does not search for fares in real time. You are presented with previous searches that must be up-dated to get the most up-to-date prices.


The price you show is different to the price shown on the operators’ site

Flight.ie searches operators’ pages in the same way that any other search-engine scans the Web. The prices we show are correct at the time we consult the airline or operator but unfortunately travel prices are subject to rapid variations, especially the nearer you get to the departure date. Although we do our utmost to guarantee that the prices and information we display is correct, occasionally a change in the structure of an operators’ site or page can cause a temporary error in the delivery of prices and information. If you find discrepancies between the prices shown on Flight.ie and those on any operators’ original site we would appreciate it if you would let us know.